Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin, transparent layer covering the white part of the eye and lining the inside of the eyelids. This condition can be caused by various factors, including bacterial, viral, or allergic reactions, as well as irritants like smoke or pollutants. 

Understanding the Types of Conjunctivitis: 

Bacterial Conjunctivitis: 

Symptoms: Redness, discharge (often yellow or green), sticky eyelids in the morning, itching, and irritation. 

Treatment: Antibiotic eye drops or ointments prescribed by a healthcare professional. 

Viral Conjunctivitis: 

Symptoms: Redness, watery discharge, discomfort, and sensitivity to light, often accompanied by cold-like symptoms. 

Treatment: Typically resolves on its own within 1-2 weeks, with symptomatic relief using cold compresses and lubricating eye drops. 

Allergic Conjunctivitis: 

Symptoms: Itchy, watery eyes, redness, swelling, and often associated with other allergy symptoms like sneezing and nasal congestion. 

Treatment: Antihistamine eye drops, oral antihistamines, and avoidance of allergens. 

Recognizing Conjunctivitis Symptoms: 

Knowing the signs of conjunctivitis is essential for early detection and treatment. Symptoms may include: 

  • Redness in one or both eyes 
  • Itchiness or irritation 
  • Gritty sensation, as if something is in the eye 
  • Watery or mucous discharge 
  • Sensitivity to light 

Seeking Professional Care: 

While some cases of conjunctivitis can be managed at home, it’s crucial to seek medical advice if: 

  • Symptoms worsen or persist after a few days 
  • Vision changes or becomes blurred 
  • There is severe eye pain or swelling 
  • Symptoms occur in a newborn or infant 
  • The affected individual wears contact lenses 
  • There is a history of eye injury or surgery 

We offer comprehensive care, including accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support.